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Hypnosis for I.B.S. 

I offer an 8-session, evidence-based hypnosis program to treat and manage Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).


Clinical hypnosis has been proven very effective at reducing the symptoms of IBS by high-quality academic research. Several clinical trials based on the work of Dr. Olafur S. Palsson and others at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have demonstrated the benefits of a scripted program for long-lasting improvement of bowel symptoms -- particularly for patients who've been unresponsive to medical treatment. While there's no guarantee of success, clinical trials have shown response rates of 73% to 94%, with benefits maintained at 6-, 10-, or 12-month follow-ups.


My program is based on the methods validated by this research. 

Session 1

I'll do an intake session to review your medical treatment history and current IBS symptoms. I'll invite you to sign a consent form so I can coordinate treatment with your gastroenterologist as needed. I'll provide a form to track your bowel symptoms during the week.

Session 2

You'll enjoy your first hypnosis session, during which you'll sit back and listen to a calming hypnotic script. You'll be fully conscious and in control at all times. Most clients describe this as extremely relaxing and reenergizing. You'll continue to track symptoms during the week.

Session 3

You'll relax and enjoy another hypnotic script. Afterwards I'll give you an audio recording to listen to daily. You'll be learning to do self-hypnosis that supports relaxing the bowel and promoting normal function. Symptom tracking continues. 

Sessions 4-8

You'll experience new hypnotic scripts for the next 5 sessions, while listening to your self-hypnosis recording daily. At the end of the last session we'll review your progress.


You should notice significant and lasting improvement in your IBS symptoms.

Questions about whether this program may be right for you? Contact me  or learn more first


Link to supporting research (abstract only)

Olafur S. Palsson & Maranda van Tilburg (2015) Hypnosis and guided Imagery Treatment for Gastrointestinal Disorders:  Experience With Scripted Protocols Developed at the University of North Carolina, American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 58:1, 5-21


My 8-session IBS program costs $250 per session.


You pay for each session as you go, so if you're not satisfied with your progress you won't pay for sessions you haven't taken. 


While I don't participate in insurance networks, I provide the paperwork you need to get reimbursed by your insurance company.


Be sure to check with your insurer to see how they cover sessions with a clinical psychologist.

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